UP Alumni and Students Organisation of Magallanes
1. Brief backgrounder of what Magallanes used to be, in terms of environment, traditions etc. (Syempre nagkwento si Sir Kiks)
2. Improvement (if we cannot exactly preserve) Magallanes' natural resources and environment .
3. Development of a better secondary educational system. (Plans to hold workshops on effective study habits, taking exams techniques, and help educators develop more effective and new ways of teaching esp in the fields of math, science and technology.)
4. Documentation of cultural heritage (traditional games, songs, cultural practices etc..)
5. Development/promotion of Magallanes livelihood projects
6. Help potential students (esp. UPCAT passers) who wonÕt have enough means to continue college.
7. Possible Kick-off Projects:
a. Public Library
8. About the Foundation: (Everybody is enjoined to propose next meeting on items A & B below)
a. NAME/Nature/identity
Next Meeting was scheduled on Black Saturday at Sir Kiks house in Magallanes. (Magtiripon tabi ang gabos na mauruli.). To be discussed in that meeting are proposed NAME of the org, VISION, MISSION, GOALS and initial By-laws of the org.
The meeting adjourned at 5:00pm and the group had a ginataan meryenda courtesy of Sir Kiks and some rootcrops from Batanes.
Everyone is encouraged to disseminate this info and invite every UP alumni (in anyway possible, pwedeng text or email brigade, spread the word) and all those who have passed UP (kahit one sem lang) to join the org. Initially the group has came up with this shorlist: Pls feel free to add some more people we might have missed out.
If you have additional data, email Jay B. Hilotin (jhilotin@gulfnews.com) or Malix C. Huidem at mchuidem@yahoo.com.
Minutes of the Meeting
March 8, 2002 (3:30-5:30 pm)
Venue: Sir Kiks Res, UP Diliman, QC
A week prior to this meeting Sir Kiks (Prof. Francisco A. Datar) called for a gathering of all UP Alumni, (On-going and even those who were once UP) students from Magallanes to form a foundation for Magallanes. In general the foundation aims to help in any way possible to give a brighter future for our beloved hometown. (Broad as it can, that was what we had in mind when we met). It doesn't have a name yet.
Dr. Datar presided the meeting and Twinkle (Hadap) took the minutes.
Other attendees were: Malix Huidem, Myrannor Handig, Jeffrey Acdal, Sheryl Gopez, Amelyn Grutas and Bambi Hermida.
Matters Discussed:
b. Public Museum
c. Extension Programs of College Education
d. Website for Magallanes and the group
b. Vision, Mission, Goals
c. Membership/Officers
d. Registration to SEC
e. Funding / Fund Raising projects
f. Website
g. Monthly Meeting, Guidelines and Bylaws.
Currently we have one suggestion for name which is KABULIG . Everyone has an assignment to make and present their own proposals for next meeting.